To access Dashlane, first, you need to install the Dashlane browser extension on your web browser. This data is encrypted with AES-256 encryption and protected with two-factor authentication, making it one of the most secure password managers available today. After downloading the Dashlane app to your device, you can easily access all of your passwords, secure notes, and other data stored within your Dashlane account.

The Dashlane app is available to download and use on Windows 10, macOS (using Catalyst), and iOS. Yes, there is a desktop app for Dashlane. Once everything is set up, you'll be ready to start using Dashlane on your computer! Using Dashlane on Desktop Devices You'll need to enter your email address and create a master password that will be used to access all of your saved data in Dashlane. After it has been installed, click on ‘Get Started' to create a new account. Once it's downloaded, launch the installer and let it finish downloading and installing the app. First, you'll need to go to the official Dashlane website and download the application.

Installing the Dashlane app on your computer is easy and straightforward.