Right click on “EndNote.exe” and select properties.Go to the following folder location: C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X8 (64-bit Windows).Here, make sure that both "Microsoft Word" and "EndNote X9" are both turned on.Click the Automation options, along the left.Sometimes the are security settings preventing EndNote and Word from talking to each other. STILL no toolbar on a Mac? Ask a librarian to help with the steps below. Try EndNote's troubleshooting instructions by program version.Open Mendeley, click "Tools" and then "Uninstall MS Word Plugin" to fix this. If you have the Mendeley toolbar installed in Word, this will block the functionality of the EndNote toolbar.In Endnote, reinstall the Cite While You Write tools ( Windows | Mac).Make sure that EndNote is fully updated.The EndNote Toolbar doesn't show up in Word, or doesn't work if it's there I can't connect to or import information from a Carleton Database If you encounter other problems please contact your librarian or consult the EndNote Support website.Ī citation style doesn't look right, or I can't find the one I'm supposed to useīe sure that you're connected to Carleton's set of EndNote files (Styles-CC and Connections-CC) by going through Step 3 of the Installation and set-up instructions on the main page of this guide. Here are some of the common problems students and faculty face.